If you are not strictly adhering to advice administered by NGA-certified auto glass installation services, high chance is you will fall for misleading assumptions and myths. And when it comes to auto glass repair, it’s a delicate matter. You can’t blindly believe any assumption that may cost you dearly. We will briefly discuss and negate some of the most commonly believed myths in this regard.
1- Minor flaws need not be bothered

One of the most perilous assumptions is that any minor chip or crack in a windshield is not a cause of concern and can be ignored for a long time to come. However, it’s not only misleading but troubling as well. This minor crack will continue expanding and eventually, you will need to get the entire windshield replaced as a result of the negligence. A simple repair from a mobile auto glass repair service in San Jose can save you from further trouble in the future.
2- The idea of DIY windshield repair is not rational
It is tempting for many to save money by getting the hands-on DIY kit to repair the auto glass themselves. This kit costs around 10 to 15 dollars. Therefore an alluring idea for many. However, not everything alluring is good. Sometimes the temptation is as faulty as Adam and Eve’s fantasy with the forbidden fruit. You may fix it with yourself but it can cause more harm than good. First of all the kits are of low quality. Secondly, you don’t possess the required expertise and skill to perform the job, So better leave it to a professional auto glass repair service in San Jose.
3- Nobody wants their insurance premiums to increase
It can be partially true that your premiums rise slightly after you file a claim for windshield replacement. However, it’s not true for every case and also depends upon your insurance company’s policy too. Besides, that claim would come nowhere near the collision claim when it comes to costs.
4- Every auto glass repair service is costly
That is another commonly referred myth that these services are too costly and out of the range. However, not all are the same. Like LG Autoglass offers cost-effective solutions without compromising the quality of work.
We are a group of professionals that believe in offering 24/7 services of premium quality. We served clients in the San Jose area for years maintaining our repute and prestige flawless. If you have your windscreen damaged then don’t go for any average service providers. It’s a matter of your safety and well being, you can’t choose unwisely. Our service is top notch and offer highly affordable rates for our premium services as compared to quality.

If you have any doubts, call around to get a free quote. Don’t make assumption that the auto glass service repair in San Jose is too expensive to afford. And for the sake of your vehicle, please don’t settle down for DIY repair.